Détartrage dentaire
Tartar is plaque that has hardened on your teeth, and can lead to more serious conditions, such
as gum disease. Once the tartar has formed, only your dentist can remove it. The process for
removing tartar is called scaling. During a scaling, the dentist uses special instruments to
remove tartar from your teeth. It is recommended that the scaling is done once or twice a year.
The scaling is always accompanied by a prophylactic polishing with a perfumed paste, leaving
tooth surface perfectly smooth, thus preventing it from reappearing too soon.
In some cases, a bicarbonate powder is projected onto the tooth’s surface to get rid of stubborn
and embedded stains.
If necessary, personalised advice will be provided to the patient to improve their oral hygiene.
In the most severe cases of periodontal damage, a treatment plan will be offered to the patient
following a qualitative and quantitative study of the buccal flora, which is analysed under a
microscope. This process takes place over several sessions, two to three weeks apart, using
specific treatments, such as a laser, to reduce and / or eliminate the bacteria responsible for
periodontal disease.