Teeth Whitening and Esthetic Dentistry

Blanchiment des dents

Teeth whitening is a simple and effective method with lightens the colour of your teeth by several shades. This spectacular process, which is becoming more and more popular, gives the brightness of a natural tooth. Before starting, the dentist will check to make sure there are no problems, and to decide on the change of colour for the tooth.

They are many reasons why the tooth might have lost its original whiteness:

  • A deposit of dental plaque and tartar accumulates on the tooth's surface, and colouring agents used in products such as the tea, coffee, red wine, cosmetics, sodas with caffeine or tobacco fix onto this deposit. In this case, a simple cleaning and polishing of the teeth are enough to eliminate the superficial marks.
  • The discolouring can be in the enamel and/or the dentine of the teeth, caused either by natural ageing of the tooth or by long-term consumption of tobacco products or by the constitution of the tooth itself during its formation. We are not all born with naturally white teeth. These teeth can be varying shades of grey or yellow, and shades yellow will often react better to a tooth whitening treatment. The whitening procedure is as follows : the lips and gums are protected by an insulating gel, the product is applied to the teeth and a special light is positioned to activate this product which penetrates slowly, destroying the marks and the discoloration. Your teeth are whiter and shinier in more or less one hour. This procedure can be complemented or replaced by another technique, which consists of wearing a tooth guard with a less concentrated gel for a few hours a day.
  • Iatrogenic discoloration in the form of marks or brownish colouring can appear after taking medicine like tetracycline or a too large quantity of fluorine as a child. With this type of discolouring the tooth whitening process is less effective and it will often be necessary to adopt other techniques, such as placing a porcelain facet (veneers).